HOMEMADE COFFEE SCRUB: Exfoliate those cellulite dimples away

Have you been wondering how to get rid of the cellulite dimples which appear on your skin and make u look old. This is a DIY to help you get rid of the cellulite from the problem areas on your body and make you look younger.
DID YOU KNOW: Cellulite's biggest enemy is caffeine. That's right, caffeine, which tightens and provides antioxidants to the skin when applied topically. When used on regular basis, reduces the appearance of cellulite—especially over time. 
Here, we are going to combine coffee with coconut oil and a bit of sea salt for an extra exfoliating kick. By massaging this trifecta onto any problem area, you'll stimulate blood flow resulting in smoother, firmer skin.
·         1 cup coffee grounds
·         6 tbsp coconut oil
·         3 tbsp sea salt or sugar
·         empty jar
Step 1: Measure out the dry ingredients and combine in a large measuring cup or bowl.
Step 2: Melt the coconut oil in the microwave if solid, and add to the mixture.
Step 3: Mix all the ingredients well.
Step 4: Transfer the contents to a waterproof jar or container.
Step 5: Before shower, apply your scrub to areas with cellulite. Massage the scrub onto skin in a circular motion before rinsing. Repeat every time you shower for best results.
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